Day 16: Last Day!

All good things must come to an end. This was a wonderful experience for the campers and counselors of Go Palestine 2023. We started the day with a quick walking trip to the nearby Yasser Arafat Museum. The museum, which includes a mausoleum where the late leader’s body is interned until his wishes to be buried in a liberated Jerusalem are achieved. The museum showcases important symbols, art, artifacts and stages of the Palestinian revolution through the perspective of Yasser Arafat and others of the PLO concluding in his actual bunker from the Second Intifada. The tone of the day quickly lightened afterwards as we had some fun back on campus with karaoke. Campers then returned home to rest before the final stretch of camp! When we returned on campus we watched the final movie of the camp, Omar, an Oscar-nominated film. We then moved to the school's fire pit where we lit a bonfire, danced, sang to songs, ate some Palestinian BBQ, cookies, and broke a piñata! Campers wrote messages to each other in their notebooks, got the letters they wrote to each other back, and cherished the last moments with each other before camp ended! It was bittersweet, but we are so glad we had the chance to be together over the past 18 days!