Day 11: On Campus Day!

Today was a whirlwind of insights, creativity, and reimagining symbols of identity. We began with heartfelt reflections on our journey so far, setting the mood for the day. A profound conversation with Nidal Rafa, a Palestinian activist and journalist from Haifa, was truly an eye-opener. She shed light on the life of a 1948 Palestinian and emphasized the role of media in dictating narratives. She highlighted the gap in English dailies from Palestine and how it inadvertently leads western media to rely predominantly on Israeli sources. This absence, she believes, plays a significant role in overshadowing the Palestinian narrative. Our afternoon was a shift in pace, filled with artistic expressions led by Heba Tannous, an artist and RFS graduate. Campers ventured out, finding and interpreting symbols around the campus, later channeling their findings and inspirations to craft innovative Palestinian symbols. Their creativity culminated in the design of postal stamps, with the top three chosen for digitization.